Sl. No |
Portfolio |
Name and Designation
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Convenor |
Dr. Purnima Boro, Asstt. Prof, Dept. of English
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Members |
Mr. Indra Borah, Head, Dept. of Pol. Science Mr. Binod Basnet, Head, Dept. of Economics Mr. Asab Uddin Ahmed, Asstt. Prof, Dept. of Pol. Science Mr. Tirtha Raj Phayel, Head, Dept. of Nepali Mrs. Nilakshi Keot, Asstt. Prof, Dept. of Assamese Mrs. Chandipa Kalita Mahanta, Asstt. Prof, Dept. of Philosophy Miss. Sushma Devi, Asstt. Prof, Dept. of Pol. Science Mr. Nabakanta Deka, LDA Mr. Elias Basumatary, LDA Mr. Dipak Hajong, LDA Mr. Homeswar Das, LDA Mr. Raben Basumatary, Grade-IV